Translating my soul , my mind

My Mind and the Spirit . We are from the World.

I am 40 years and I am looking what is the path ? . I already read away
I was 13 years old and I said to mom “That if you know, I am not from my school”. I ran away several times. . So in my life it was the way to understand, what is the purpose of our life.

I can remember a lot , about me just going. From my first exchange,first university in Brasil, ran inside of my university

Hofstra in the Us, and to do an exchange to Amsterdam. I met my first husband Haiko, We moved do the UK. There I got Mimy master at the from my Phd LSD, but as I got my Phd I tan away . And I was aways run in the word. Then I had 2 comas and many times I came back to the Hospital. I was in hospitals in London, Thailand, Brasil. Those hade firsts I sleep in hospital.

Then I got a great new husband. Then we moved to Peru. And I loved Peru, but it is all in my brain. Sas I could not to speak , moving parts of my hands. Em lille by time I am back in my second Comas

The beginning was fear, and then angry, and bow I am great at medicine .

As I am here and from the word , I will write every day from what I have learned from the lessons and losses and how , and paths

As I have talking to my Professor Mustapha, I said I was influenced by the wild like us.

His class was “ Decolozin the mind” and that class always made me to understand my self. It always made to run my self .

I was born in Brasil. My school as a child it was in english, and in french. I was then living in Buenos Aires , and my school it was frechas and Spanish.

I studied for a few years at a school in Brazil, and I ran away from my university in Brazil.

And so many things I studied, and I tried to write. If it were schools, languages ​​I can’t study and I’m writing in my mind

Somehow the mind is part of me in the world. I’m still in my quest of my mind.g

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